40mn customers to become paperless and cashless, and to use RLP as the key payment solution. On 30 October 2018, RLP and BTS announced the soft launch of “Bind, Tap & Ride” service across 20 BTS
duties to design, supply, install, test the M&E Equipment, and trial run, as well as to provide the O&M services for the civil infrastructure (except for the park and ride building) and M&E Systems, which
trial run, as well as to provide the O&M services for the civil infrastructure (except for the park and ride building) and M&E Systems, which it is expected to open for service as a through operation by
duties to design, supply, install, test the M&E Equipment, and trial run, as well as to provide the O&M services for the civil infrastructure (except for the park and ride building) and M&E Systems, which
ชว่งคร่ึงปีที่ผ่ำนมำ เม่ือวนัที่ 30 ตลุำคม 2561 บริษัท แรบบิท-ไลน์เพย์ จ ำกดั (“RLP”) และ BTS ได้เปิดตวักำรทดลองให้บริกำร “Bind, Tap & Ride” บน 20 สถำนีรถไฟฟำ้บีที เอส ซึง่บริกำรนีจ้ะชว่ยอ ำนวยควำมสะดวกและ
i SUSTAINABLE FINANCE INITIATIVES FOR THAILAND In collaboration with Sustainable Finance Initiatives for Thailand P a g e | 2 Contents 1. Foreword ................................................................................................................................................ 3 2. Executive Summary .............................................................................................................................. 5 3. Background and Motivations for Developing the Initiat...