countries has consistently. Including the sales volume from clients in the convenience store business line, which expand the business to new branch continually such as a water purification system, roller
. Including the sales volume from clients in the convenience store business line, which expand the business to new branch continually such as a water purification system, roller grill, boiler and sandwich
year, there was no special order at all. In addition, sales volume in convenience store business line, which expand the business to new branch continually such as a water purification system, roller
: Extra expenses related to natural calamities (Polar Vortex, Hurricanes and Lightning strikes) 29 8 - Management classification Less: Other extraordinaries (income)/expense 0 5 8 Management classification
1 large project only, include water purification treatment project. As a result, revenue from project has increased as significantly from the previous year. In addition, the revenue from distribution
For commercial laundry application (Biospin), which new innovation product to related purification and treatment water systems in Thailand to the target’s consumers. Sincerely Yours, Wijit Techakasem
4Q21, AIS Fibre also created a new standard for the home internet market with the launch of lightning-fast services at the 2Gbps level, which meet the needs of customers seeking the highest quality
related purification and treatment water systems in Thailand to the target’s consumers. 5.7 In business segment Industrial and OEM (B1) continue marketing strategies that focus on expanding the business in
ยีง 1 โครงการเท่านั น ไดแ้ก่ งานประกอบระบบบาํบดันําด ี(Water Purification Treatment) จงึสง่ผลให้รายได้ในกลุ่มงานโครงการเพิมขึนจากปีก่อนอย่างเหน็ได้ชดั นอกจากนีรายได้ จากการจําหน่ายสนิคา้ในกลุ่มผลติภณัฑ์