: Extra expenses related to natural calamities (Polar Vortex, Hurricanes and Lightning strikes) 29 8 - Management classification Less: Other extraordinaries (income)/expense 0 5 8 Management classification
4Q21, AIS Fibre also created a new standard for the home internet market with the launch of lightning-fast services at the 2Gbps level, which meet the needs of customers seeking the highest quality
(chronic) in precipitation, temperature and increased variability in weather patterns (e.g., sea level rise). Climate-related risks can also be associated with the transition to a lower-carbon global economy
มิาณห้ย์าดนำฟ้า (precipitation) และผู้ลกระทุบจากเห้ตุ้การณ์ส่ภาวะสุ่ดข้ัวข้องลมฟ้าอากาศ (“extreme weather events”) ซึ่ึงรวมถึงพื่าย์ุไซึ่โคลน แผู้่นดินไห้ว และภัย์แล้ง ห้ร่อ ข้้อม้ลการพื่ย์ากรณ์ภ้มิอากาศใน
hours due to less precipitation as winter season ends. 3. Share of profit from investment in Wind Power Plant in the Philippines and Geothermal Power Plant in Indonesia was decreased from the previous
risks Transition risks • Policy and regulation • Technology development • Consumer preferences Physical risks • Chronic (e.g. temperature, precipitation, sea levels) • Acute (e.g. heatwaves, floods and