January 2019.________________________Remark: Public Hearing Document - https://capital.sec.or.th/webapp/phs/viewall/viewall.php*Crowdfunding is a fund raising method from crowd through funding portals
SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol, SEC Assistant Secretary-General Jomkwan Kongsakul and team met Mr. Claude Marx - Director General of Luxembourg’s financial market watchdog CSSF, Ms. Daniele Berna-Ost - CSSF Secretary-General and team. Both parties achieved an agreement to arrange a cooperative framework on fintech for exchange of information involving major developments and issues on fintech supervision and oversight. This framework was similar to those CSSF agreed with capi...
, particularly new-gen groups, for digital asset and fund raising businesses operation such as issuance of digital tokens or ICOs.As such, “SEC finds it necessary to enhance knowledge and understanding
19,332,000 Baht for one year. 4.1.2 The service of loading up and loading down of goods and lifting of container of goods, to calculate from the pricing including operation costs amount 30,000,000 Baht per
loading up and loading down of goods and lifting of container of goods, to calculate from the pricing including operation costs amount 24,000,000 Baht per annum. 4.2 Payment term 4.2.1 Paying monthly
19,332,000 Baht for one year. 4.1.2 The service of loading up and loading down of goods and lifting of container of goods, to calculate from the pricing including operation costs amount 30,000,000 Baht per
compensation from NBTC partially covered revenue loss. After gradual lifting of lockdown in late May-20 and economic activity slowly resumed, there were pent-up demand led to rebound in new acquisition and
foundation and a lifting for the usage in Carnival Magic project. The detail of such transaction is as below; 1. Date of the Transaction The Board of Directors’ meeting of Carnival Magic Company Limited No. 1
for the period Vanachai Panel Industries Co., Ltd. uses services from Doctorwood Co., Ltd. for loading up and loading down of goods and container lifting. 29 May 2017 21,000,000 0.25% as at 31 Mar. 2017
19,332,000 0.264% as at 31 Mar. 2019 5. Vanachai Panel Industries Co., Ltd. uses the service from Doctorwood Co., Ltd. for loading up and loading down of goods and container lifting. 24 May 2019 30,000,000