investment based on their risk tolerance levels. The proposed measures include: 1. Arranging for an easy-to-understand risk ranking, from 1 to 8 in ascending order, to label each mutual fund; 2. Requiring
draft guidelines of the Association that has been approved by SEC*. The guidelines contains details on :1) preparation of the service model responsible by a high-ranking executive officer; 2
Market Organizations (FETCO), as well as high-ranking officials and executives from SECC, Cambodia Securities Exchange and private sector of Cambodia.Ms. Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol, SEC Secretary-General
awardees by the Domestic Ranking Bodies for companies within their respective countries. The three categories of awards are as follows: (i) Top 20 ASEAN public listed companies (PLCs); (ii) ASEAN Asset Class
Investment n/a Ranking by Industry Business 4/ Business Providing civil engineering and geotechnical works that require expertise and high technology such as underground and open excavation general civil works
declared as the “Year of Shift”. It is the opportunity for the organization, high-ranking executives and staff to revise the business model in order for the organization to achieve stable growth and the goal
Wealth Management. For high net worth clients, other wealth management products are provided such as mutual funds and structured products. For 2018, the market share 3 of PSEC was 4.55%, ranking 7 th from
income. Public spending also increased from spending on goods and services and compensation expenses while capital spending declined from the high base effect of last year from the disbursement of
stemmed from the relocation of the manufacturing base of hard disk drive to Thailand earlier. Meanwhile, public spending in capital expenditure slightly declined from the high base of last year. For export
year. The high increased for the passenger car segment are the results of the low base of previous year, the launch of new car models, new car purchase from the end of the first car scheme and the