giving advice or information on foreign currency denominated capital market products through Thai business operators, are not subject to the requirements to obtain licenses for investment advisory service
obtain access to the contract. Indicate whether the issuer is required to make periodic disclosure such as disclose the evidence periodically that the issuer is not in default or that it is in full
founders and major shareholders were all in favor of disposing QI to Continental. This transaction is at arms’ length and after the close, Continental will not have any claims against the Company. Please be
รูปแบบแฟมขอความ AMC03.TXT ขอมูลการลงทุนของบริษัทจัดการ Header Description (AMC03.TXT) Length รหัสบริษัทจัดการ char(3) 001 บลจ.กรุงไทย จํากัด (มหาชน) 002 บลจ.กสิกรไทย จํากัด 003 บลจ.เอ็มเอฟซี จํา
search for newly issued bonds and sort the results by the subscription date, the term length, the interest rate, and the name of issuer. In addition to the basic search function by the name of issuer
debt securities offered or listed. 3. Provide information about the form of the security, such as whether investors can obtain physical certificates or whether their interests will be recorded via a book
representation of the debt securities holders, as well as where the investors may obtain access to the contract. Indicate whether the issuer is required to make periodic disclosure such as disclose the evidence
: Total amount of 12,000,000 Baht (800,000 Baht per Rai) 5.3 Evaluation criteria of transaction : Based on the conditions for arm’s length transaction and negotiation between parties. Reference prices is
) Remark Length 1 รหัสบริษัทจัดการ - Char(3) 2 วันที่รายงาน - Char(2) 3 เดือนที่รายงาน - Char(2) 4 ปีที่รายงาน(ปี พ.ศ.) - Char(4) 5 ประเภทรายงาน D = ข้อมูลประจำวัน M = ข้อมูลประจำเดือน Y = ข้อมูลประจำปี เป็น
arms’ length and after the close, Continental will not have any claims against the Company. This disposal of asset transaction is not considered as material transaction, as the highest value of