business (of which the Company is the agent for 6 commercial banks: KTB, KANK, BAY, GSB, BAAC, and SCB) had total transactions of 1,159,351 transactions per month, increasing 25.3% YoY. Lending business
, decreasing 8.7% YoY – from Covid-19 pandemic. Number of “Boonterm kiosk” was 130,357, increasing 0.9% YoY. Banking agent business (of which the Company is the agent for 6 commercial banks: KTB, KANK, BAY
profit was Bt104.3mn, decreasing 28.2% YoY • Total revenue from core business was Bt667mn, decreasing 17.1% • Banking agent business (of which the Company is the agent for 6 commercial banks: KTB, KANK
18.3% QoQ. Total revenue from core business was Bt735mn, increasing 10.2% QoQ. Banking agent business (of which the Company is the agent for 6 commercial banks: KTB, KANK, BAY, GSB, BAAC, and SCB