station to pilot a project that bid purchase electricity with blockchain technology in a Smart Isolated Microgrid to serve buildings and retail outlets within the area to purchase low cost electricity en
ี Blockchain ในระบบผลติไฟฟ้ำแบบไม่เชื่อมต่อกบัสำยส่งกำรไฟฟ้ำ (Smart Isolated Microgrid) เพื่อให้อำคำรและ รำ้นคำ้ทีอ่ยู่ในพืน้ทีส่ำมำรถซือ้ขำยเพื่อใชไ้ฟฟ้ำในตน้ทุนทีต่ ่ำไดป้รมิำณมำกทีส่ดุ o บรษิทัฯ โดย BCPR Pte
Registration of Pool of Assets as Mutual Fund and Amendment to Registered Particular (No. 2)
than general mutual funds, the SEC deems it necessary to prescribe particular regulations on establishment of such funds. In addition, investment limits in property funds or real estate investment trusts
particular category of securities business, except for a security company operating securities business in the category of securities dealing or securities underwriting or operating securities business in any
particular category of securities business, except for a security company operating securities business in the category of securities dealing or securities underwriting or operating securities business in any
investors.In addition, the SEC asked asset management company to develop mutual funds to serve demand for savings and tailored for particular groups of investors, for instance (i) mutual funds for savings
insurance are combined, at least under a common holding company. There is little guidance on how such financial conglomerates should be overseen or regulated beyond general requirements to separate certain
Secretary of the Securities and Exchange Commission The company clarify cause and reason if relative performance of a particular company varies more than 20% compared to previous year; we hereby explain our
developing new platforms, have significant effects on the company’s income structure especially advertising revenue. However, our company isn’t rely on only this particular income. There are other channels