Further to requests via the media for the SEC to promptly announce the result of its investigation on SCIB-C1 case, the SEC would like to inform that presently, the investigation into SCIB-C1 case
Renaissance Fund Management LTD. This case is in the process of investigation by the inquiry official. SEC Act S.97 Criminal Complaint Filed with an Inquiry Official Dated 01/11/2023
Renaissance Fund Management LTD. This case is in the process of investigation by the inquiry official. SEC Act S.section 105 Criminal Complaint Filed with an Inquiry Official Dated 01/11/2023
Renaissance Fund Management LTD. This case is in the process of investigation by the inquiry official. SEC Act S.105 Criminal Complaint Filed with an Inquiry Official Dated 01/11/2023
Renaissance Fund Management LTD This case is in the process of investigation by the inquiry official. SEC Act S.105 Criminal Complaint Filed with an Inquiry Official Dated 01/11/2023
Renaissance Fund Management LTD This case is in the process of investigation by the inquiry official. SEC Act S.106 Criminal Complaint Filed with an Inquiry Official Dated 01/11/2023
Renaissance Fund Management LTD This case is in the process of investigation by the inquiry official. SEC Act S.106 Criminal Complaint Filed with an Inquiry Official Dated 01/11/2023
Renaissance Fund Management LTD This case is in the process of investigation by the inquiry official. SEC Act S.106 Criminal Complaint Filed with an Inquiry Official Dated 01/11/2023
Renaissance Fund Management LTD This case is in the process of investigation by the inquiry official. SEC Act S.104 Criminal Complaint Filed with an Inquiry Official Dated 01/11/2023