2016 2017 DW Trading Value (Mil. THB) Index DW Trading Value (Mil. THB) Recall: Option price consists of 2 components. Intrinsic value + Time (betting) value 5 Factor Calls Puts Note Asset price (S
and David Dodd in 1934 • Finding price-intrinsic value discrepancies in the market • Various price-based ratios and future stock returns ⋄ Earnings-to-price ratio (Basu, 1977) ⋄ Dividend-to-price ratio
intrinsic value of the assets and business based on historical and potential earnings and cash flow of the business. It has been valued by a range of valuation methods including relative valuation as
negotiation between the Company and the Seller and took into account the fundamental intrinsic value of the assets and business based on historical and potential earnings and cash flow of the business. It has
Production Machine and Plant Equipment Purchaser Planet Seller Shanghai Wood-based Panel Machinery Co., Ltd. DIEFFENBACHER GMBH MASCHINEN-UND ANLAGENBAU ANDRITZ Zhuzhou New Times Conveyer Machinery Co
ANLAGENBAU ANDRITZ Zhuzhou New Times Conveyer Machinery Co., Ltd. The four sellers as mentioned above are not a connected person of the Company pursuant to the Notifications on Connected Transactions
) สญัญาซ้ือเครือ่งจกัรสายการผลิตและอปุกรณ์โรงงาน ผูซ้ือ้ แพลนเนท ผูข้าย Shanghai Wood-based Panel Machinery Co., Ltd. DIEFFENBACHER GMBH MASCHINEN-UND ANLAGENBAU ANDRITZ Zhuzhou New Times Conveyer
corporate value represented by their ROE and operating profit. Indices for Strategic Beta strategies: S&P GIVI Japan (S&P Global Intrinsic Value Index): constructed by book value and discounted projected
Times Conveyer Machinery Co., Ltd. ผูข้ายทัง้ 4 รายดงักล่าวขา้งต้น ไม่ใช่บุคคลทีม่คีวามเกีย่วโยงกนัของบรษิทัฯ ตาม ประกาศรายการทีเ่กีย่วโยงกนัฯ ราคาซือ้ขายและตดิตัง้ เครื่องจกัรและอุปกรณ์ โรงงาน ไม่เกนิ
profits in 2017 and 2018 until the third installment ended March 31, 2019, causing the Discounted Cash Flow method does not show the intrinsic value of NINE. The source of the total number that does not