corporate value represented by their ROE and operating profit. Indices for Strategic Beta strategies: S&P GIVI Japan (S&P Global Intrinsic Value Index): constructed by book value and discounted projected
2016 2017 DW Trading Value (Mil. THB) Index DW Trading Value (Mil. THB) Recall: Option price consists of 2 components. Intrinsic value + Time (betting) value 5 Factor Calls Puts Note Asset price (S
constructed a new club house, the new development would help to reposition golf course to a competitive level and serve the customers’ needs. The Company targeted to generate higher income from green fee, golf
and David Dodd in 1934 • Finding price-intrinsic value discrepancies in the market • Various price-based ratios and future stock returns ⋄ Earnings-to-price ratio (Basu, 1977) ⋄ Dividend-to-price ratio
continuously constructed warehouse/factory buildings. Revenue from rent increased from THB 17 million per quarter at the time the Company made investment to THB 50 million per quarter this year. Propsect
Myanmar. This project will be constructed in late 2020 and the commercial operation date for selling electricity to Ministry of Electricity and Energ for 30 years is scheduled in 2021. The Company is under
located in Mandalay, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. The first 60MWp of this project will be constructed in late 2020 and the commercial operation date for selling electricity to Ministry of
funds which constructed with low active share (
Public Company Limited Page 4/5 5.2 The budget for design and construction of shopping center project is worth 200,000,000 baht which will be constructed by the beginning of the second quarter of 2019 6
intrinsic value of the assets and business based on historical and potential earnings and cash flow of the business. It has been valued by a range of valuation methods including relative valuation as