In recent times, crimes regarding the capital market have become significantly more intricate, which is why SEC firmly believes that there must be an upgrade in the cooperation between related
Bangkok, February 19, 2013 ? The SEC has reiterated securities companies to instruct investment consultants to give securities trading advice based primarily on fundamental factors of securities
Bangkok, February 19, 2013 ? The SEC has reiterated securities companies to instruct investment consultants to give securities trading advice based primarily on fundamental factors of securities
Bangkok, March 27, 2013 ? The SEC has reiterated securities companies to instruct investment consultants to give securities trading advice based primarily on fundamental factors of securities
to the public and they have access by virtue of their office or position. PCL, Mr. Pranay and Mr. Manish jointly use the inside information to instruct PAPL to buy 7,940,100 shares of PTL in PAPL’s
to the public and they have access by virtue of their office or position. PCL, Mr. Pranay and Mr. Manish jointly use the inside information to instruct PAPL to buy 7,940,100 shares of PTL in PAPL’s
to the public and they have access by virtue of their office or position. PCL, Mr. Pranay and Mr. Manish jointly use the inside information to instruct PAPL to buy 7,940,100 shares of PTL in PAPL’s
allowed to contact and give investment advice to clients. The SEC has emphasized to all intermediaries to strictly instruct their investment consultants to obtain and compile sufficient information for
Committee has resolved to instruct SEC to impose civil sanction whereby Kitti and Kongpat must pay a separate civil penalty, compensate for the benefits received from committing the offenses, and reimburse
conjunction with Section 244(3) and subject to the penalties under Section 296 and Section 296/2 of the said Act. The Civil Sanction Committee has resolved to instruct SEC to impose civil sanction on