system. Different working teams are assigned to work remotely to mitigate operational risk and ensure that the operations and the services to the public will continue without interruption,” said Ms
investments (M€ or %) - # of days of supply chains and/or operating activities disruption caused by weather events - Resilience Benefit Ratio - Share of capex in adaptation projects City Blueprint quickscan
according to the Service Level Agreement; 3) Rectifying the work system for supporting the Business Continuity Plan to cover the case of trading interruption in consistent with the current business
insurance for properties damaged and business interruption. However, the export sales grew significantly and help overall beverages sales. Food business Despite of overall Thailand economic in this quarter
EVALUATING IMPACT ON INTRINSIC VALUE OF STOCK Climate Risks Climate Opportunities Physical Risks ✓ Operational Risk ✓ Supply Chain Disruption ✓ Changing consumer behaviour ✓ Sales Impacted by weather
UHT production line, which was fully covered by insurance for properties damaged and business interruption. The export sales continued to grow significantly, which helped overall beverages sales. Food
wildfires) Environmental & climate and economy feedback effects Micro Businesses and Households Businesses • Property damage • Business disruption • Stranded assets and new capital expenditure • Changing
operation will run, and the services to the public will continue, without interruption. SEC ascertains that investors and the public will continue to receive securities trading services and other related
information related to provision of services as a derivatives clearing house sufficiently to the extent that members or their clients, or any involved persons understand risks from use of the services, and
business interruption. The export sales continued to grow significantly, which helped overall beverages sales. Food business The food sales in the fiscal year 2018 was Baht 6,610 million, increased slightly