December 2018. In 1Q19, THB 1,238.9mn of The Lofts Asoke project was transferred and recorded as a revenue and the Diplomat 39 project recorded a revenue from transferred of THB 271.3mn. For the future
7.8 - 34.0 -100.0 53.8 1.8 89.0 4.9 - 35.2 - 39.5 The Lofts Asoke 198.4 27.7 - - 198.4 100.0 1,631.6 53.2 - - 1,631.6 100.0 The Diplomat 39 281.8 39.4 - - 281.8 100.0 751.2 24.5 - - 751.2 100.0 Gain
% The Lofts Ekkamai - - 46.9 10.4% 40.5 1.2% 1,283.6 42.6% Mews Yen Akat 114.5 7.6% - - 203.5 6.1% - - The Lofts Asoke 227.6 15.0% - - 227.6 6.8% - - The Diplomat 39 626.5 41.4% - - 626.5 18.8% - - The
- 29.1 The Diplomat 39 748.9 20.7 626.5 18.8 + 122.4 + 19.5 - - 626.5 41.4 - 626.5 - 100.0 The Diplomat Sathorn 20.4 0.6 9.6 0.3 + 10.8 + 113.6 20.4 3.7 9.6 0.6 + 10.8 + 112.5 The Lofts Silom 319.5 8.8
- - 421.9 + 100.0 1,433.2 60.9 - - 1,433.2 + 100.0 The Diplomat 39 198.1 22.3 - - 198.1 + 100.0 469.4 20.0 - - 469.4 + 100.0 Food & Beverage 11.3 1.3 10.7 1.3 0.6 + 5.6 21.6 0.9 10.7 0.8 10.9 + 101.1 Gain
185.3 43.7 1,011.3 69.1 (826.0) (81.7) The Diplomat 39 23.0 5.4 271.3 18.5 (248.3) (91.5) The Lofts Silom 115.5 27.3 - - 115.5 100.0 Total Revenues from sales of real estate 366.4 86.5 1,386.3 94.8
House hotels The major renovation of Vienna House Easy Cracow, Vienna House Easy Bucharest, Vienna House Diplomat Prague and Vienna House Amber Baltic were completed and returned to operation in 2Q 2019
that select Big 4 auditors are firms that have higher reporting quality. As a result, without auditor factors, these firms innate fewer mistakes that require audit adjustments. For auditor factor
ห้องภำยใต้สญัญำ เช่ำด ำเนินงำน ได้เปิดให้บริกำรเต็มรูปแบบ การปรับปรุงโรงแรม Vienna House Vienna House Easy Cracow, Vienna House Easy Bucharest, Vienna House Diplomat Prague และ Vienna House Amber Baltic
House hotels completed. The major renovation of Vienna House Easy Cracow, Vienna House Easy Bucharest, Vienna House Diplomat Prague and Vienna House Amber Baltic were completed in 2Q 2019. 24 May 2019