Bangkok, February 24, 2006 ? The SEC asserted its absolute impartiality in the investigation of all allegations related to the transactions of Shin Corporation Plc. ("SHIN") despite public criticism and the credibility issue concerning the UBS AG-Singapore ("UBS") statement earlier submitted to the SEC. The SEC held a press conference yesterday to announce the investigative results of the SHIN case. Like in any other cases, the SEC exercised its power and duty as assigned by the Securities...
ได้ผ่านการศึกษา วิจัย ทดสอบ และวิเคราะห์อย่างรอบด้าน เพื่อให้ได้แนวทางท่ีเหมาะสม ในบริบทของประเทศไทย โดยปราศจากอคติ (unbiased) อย่างทีผ่มเกริ่นไปในช่วงต้นว่า ที่ผ่านมา (ในคอลัมน์ “คุยกับ ก.ล.ต.”) เรามัก
Disclose significant factors that materially affected the issuer’s income from operations, including unusual or infrequent events or new developments and the extent to which income was affected by these
that materially affected the issuer’s income from operations, including unusual or infrequent events or new developments and the extent to which income was affected by these factors. Significant factors
FINANCIAL REVIEW AND PROSPECTS A. Operating Results Disclose significant factors that materially affected the issuer’s income from operations, including unusual or infrequent events or new developments and
unbiased basis and takes into account forward-looking factors throughout the transaction’s lifetime. The expected credit loss measurement concept may lead to volatility of impairment loss in accordance with
represent; d) generally be neutral and report activity in a fair and unbiased way except where there is uncertainty. Prudence should prevail such that assets and income are not overstated and liabilities and
factors that materially affected the issuer’s income from operations, including unusual or infrequent events or new developments and the extent to which income was affected by these factors. Significant
unusual or infrequent events or new developments, materially affecting the issuer's income from operations, indicating the extent to which income was so 7 affected. Describe any other significant
รกันส ารองให้ค านวณจากสถิติค่าความเสียหายในอดีต โดยปราศจากความอคติ หรือไม่ล าเอียงจากค่าความเป็นจริง (Unbiased) และพิจารณาโดยการคาดการณ์ไปข้างหน้า (Forward-looking) ถึง สถานการณ์ที่คาดว่าจะเกิดขึ้นในอนาคต