complete, transparent, and timely IPO information for investors’ informed decision-making, the SEC aims to promote more timely information disclosure without imposing an undue burden on the issuer. The SEC
* and Form 56*. These rules have caused an unreasonable burden on these companies. SEC therefore plans to improve these rules to facilitate holding companies, which engage in various types of business
As part of continuing efforts to support market confidence and business integrity, the OECD has launched in Asia a new set of corporate governance principles that were endorsed at the G20 Finance Ministers meeting in September 2015. The G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance provide recommendations for national policymakers on key corporate governance issues, such as shareholder rights, executive remuneration, financial disclosure, the behaviour of institutional investors, boardroom practic...
includes inspection of audit firms’ quality control systems, which has been running since 2010. According to the Activities Report 2021, audit firms in the capital market have continued to improve their
informed to the Audit Committee and the auditor to explain the facts and related actions regarding this issue. SEC requires the actions of the Audit Committee to ensure that SPRC has measures to improve
, the company continues to improve its structure and cost management. By dissolving the printing and shipping department which we informed on September 29, 2017, the project has been successfully and we
well as post-sales processes, by requiring intermediaries to improve effectiveness of internal communication with their salespersons and laying down effective monitoring system to ensure service quality
operating loss stores and to reduce wastage from the production process and storage process as well as to improve purchasing management by sourcing the new suppliers, which result in a decrease of the
was mainly due to an improve on the inventory cost management continued from year 2017 as well as sales mix management in each product category efficiently. However, the Company still strictly
strategies to improve the quality of services. The Company and its subsidiaries continue the cost control policy in order to have the minimal impact on results of operation. Kindly be informed accordingly