( COVID-19) situation has improved domestically, following a significant reduction in the number of local infections. However, the continued high rate of overseas infections, combined with Government fears
of 1.60 million units amid falling Covid-19 infections and gradual easing of microchip shortage situation. The Company’s performance last year was impacted by Covid-19 pandemic. However, the company
of COVID-19 local infections since mid-December of last year. Economic activity improved in February as the outbreak was brought under control and external demand continued to recover. Private
-patients department inclined by 24.6% and 8.9% respectively. Causing the increasing in the total revenue from Gastrointestinal diseases and seasonal diceases such as Nasopharyngitis, Influenza, Dengue Fever
-patients department inclined by 23.3 % and 7.6 % respectively. Causing from Gastrointestinal diseases and Dengue Fever including non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, neurologic diseases
and Out-patients department inclined by 6.6% and 6.5% respectively. Causing from Gastrointestinal diseases and Dengue Fever including non-communicable diseases such cardiovascular disease, neurologic
-patients and Out-patients department inclined by 31.5 % and 5.9 % respectively. Causing from Gastrointestinal diseases and Dengue Fever including non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease
's Q3/2019 performance would significantly improve because of receive a huge medical treatment income of chronic diseases from Social Security Office through his securities trading accounts during 10
about CHG's Q3/2019 performance would significantly improve because of receive a huge medical treatment income of chronic diseases from Social Security Office through her securities trading accounts
booked in year 2018 for chronic diseases were then subtracted accordingly. However, the service revenues (mainly received from Asia Medical and Agricultural Laboratory and Research Center Co., Ltd “AMARC