number of directors in order to move ahead with solving its problems which include indebtedness and inability to submit the company’s financial statements and appoint the auditor. IFEC’s future business
indebtedness. Under the said circumstances, the debt securities holders may expose to legal risk that would restrain them claiming on the assets of overseas headquarter. Thus, the SEC proposed to amend the rules
against EARTH for an unreasonably high amount of indebtedness, in order that EARTH’s indebtedness would be greater than its assets, despite the fact that they opined or were in a position to know that
percent of general indebtedness.
registration statement; e. prohibition on issuing other types of securities under certain circumstances to prevent the issuer from taking unreasonably burdensome indebtedness or obligations; f. covenant
conditions stated therein. The proposed sell-down of the Units is strictly a f inancing exercise to fund, amongst other things, working capital needs and to pay the Company’s indebtedness and liabilit ies
to pay the Company’s indebtedness and liabilities. The Company previously held 1,833,150,000 Units. Following the sale of the Units, the Company st ill holds a remaining 1,293,150,000 investment units
that can be sold and/or redeemed on business days, and d) cash received from short selling transactions; (3) The total indebtedness of any securities company due to issuance of loans to any retail
registration statement; e. prohibition on issuing other types of securities under certain circumstances to prevent the issuer from taking unreasonably burdensome indebtedness or obligations; f. covenant
Indebtedness Provide information about capitalization and indebtedness. Disclose any subsequent significant changes in the capitalization and indebtedness and a statement of capitalization and indebtedness that