investors, which incurs an obligation for PACE to repurchase a certain amount of its preferred stocks from the counterparties. The clarification must inform whether there will be any effect on the company's
approval of a waiver for the company’s inability to comply with the requirements regarding the maintenance of the debt-to-equity ratio that incurs interest, which will be reflected in the financial
addition, The Company also incurs the improvement cost in automotive business oversea. 4. Financial cost was decreased by 26.1 million Baht or 107.4%, impacted by the exchange gain/loss on loans in foreign
of NU (187.78 THB million) / NTA of NMG ( 375.24 THB million) 45.04% 2. Net Profit Basis N/A (as NMG incurs loss) N/A 3. Total Consideration Basis Total consideration (317.86 THB million) * 100 / Total
:// Financial Reporting Council 5 The Principles of the Code So as to protect and enhance the value that accrues to the ultimate beneficiary, institutional investors should: 1
Profit Basis N/A (as NMG incurs loss) N/A 3. Total Consideration Basis Total consideration (317.86 THB million) * 100 / Total Assets of NMG ( 4,654.84 THB million) 6.84% 4. Value of Securities Basis No
costs from concert organization of 41.40 Million Baht and the sale costs of 1.35 Million Baht, the Company incurs the gross loss of 1.83 Baht and plus with other incomes of 14.13 Million Baht, the Company
January Subject To : Enclosu The Bo “Compa resoluti 1. A C 1 1 E 2. A r y 16, 2018 t : Notificat of New D Director an The Stock E ures : 1. Fo A 2. In (a oard of Dire any”) No. 1 ions as follo Acknowledg Committee a 1.1 Ms.Pi 1.2 Mr.Su Effective fro Approved t replace the 2.1 Ms. Comm 2.2 Mr. S tion on the Directors, a nd Manager Exchange o orm for Re Audit Comm nformation M amended No ectors’ meet 1/2018 (the ows, ged the resi as follows: ichitra Mah umate Sang om January the appointm resig...
January Subject To : Enclosu The Bo “Compa resoluti 1. A C 1 1 E 2. A r y 16, 2018 t : Notificat of New D Director an The Stock E ures : 1. Fo A 2. In (a oard of Dire any”) No. 1 ions as follo Acknowledg Committee a 1.1 Ms.Pi 1.2 Mr.Su Effective fro Approved t replace the 2.1 Ms. Comm 2.2 Mr. S tion on the Directors, a nd Manager Exchange o orm for Re Audit Comm nformation M amended No ectors’ meet 1/2018 (the ows, ged the resi as follows: ichitra Mah umate Sang om January the appointm resig...
January Subject To : Enclosu The Bo “Compa resoluti 1. A C 1 1 E 2. A r y 16, 2018 t : Notificat of New D Director an The Stock E ures : 1. Fo A 2. In (a oard of Dire any”) No. 1 ions as follo Acknowledg Committee a 1.1 Ms.Pi 1.2 Mr.Su Effective fro Approved t replace the 2.1 Ms. Comm 2.2 Mr. S tion on the Directors, a nd Manager Exchange o orm for Re Audit Comm nformation M amended No ectors’ meet 1/2018 (the ows, ged the resi as follows: ichitra Mah umate Sang om January the appointm resig...