maintain customer base and increase domestic sales. Other Transaction In Quarter 3/2019, there were Baht 2.1 Million and Baht 3.7 Million from revenues and expenses from new office building and Baht 21.4
Selling and administrative expenses in 2019 increased by Baht 31.2 Million or 5.6% from 2018 due to increase more distribution channels and sales promotions to maintain customer base and increase domestic
sale 2 decrease 6.16% due to slower than expected recovery in Domestic consumption in addition to increase in domestic competition. 2. Total cost of goods sold amounting to 6,892.49 million Baht was
. Production of both pick-up and passenger car reported volume increase. Domestic car sales grew by 22.2% year on year. This increase was partly offset by decrease of export volume by 5.3% compared to last year
and electronic sector, while non-durable goods sector was marginally increase. Domestic demand slowly improved in all sector as regular income. As a result, domestic industries expanded and business
the last year, the revenue from sale increased 4.78 percent and 6 percent from consolidated and separate respectively. That increase came from the domestic sales grew 11 percent from distribution
689.65 million, equaled to 96.14% of the total revenue from operations. The increase in sales was THB 99.35 million which comprised of 2 main segments as follows: 1- The increase in domestic sales was THB
. Appreciation of THB also affect the export volume. Domestic volume also dropped by 3.28% to 1,007,552 units, compared to 1,041,739 units in 2018 even though there was an increase in domestic demand in first half
6.9% from the same period of last year, mainly driven by strong growth in export sales and increase in domestic sales due to new products launch and successful summer campaign. Moreover, the Company
sales of year 2018 did not increase as much as expected. For domestic market, revenue from sales increase lightly due to growth of sales in Corn seeds and fresh vegetable and fruit. Detail of Domestic and