: Performance Overview In 2018, the domestic economic have signed to expand from the tourism sector improvement, Private consumption and private investment also improved, This was the company achieved expansion
follows: Performance Overview In 2017, the domestic economic have signed to expand from the tourism sector improvement, Private consumption and private investment also improved, This was the company
: Performance Overview In 2017, the domestic economic have signed to expand from the tourism sector improvement, Private consumption and private investment also improved, This was the company achieved expansion
follows: Performance Overview In 2018, the domestic economic have signed to expand from the tourism sector improvement, Private consumption and private investment also improved, This was the company
to the company acknowledged the one-time profits in the amount of THB 108 million from the transfer of 4 Thai restaurants in the UK and other relevant properties to Patara Fine Thai Cuisine Limited
decreased by THB 167 million or 5.7 percent from last year. In addition, company had acknowledged of the past service cost for employee benefit in accordance with the Labor Protection Act ( No. 7) B. E. 2562
the same period of the year earlier and has gross profit margin of 31.89%. because the company has improved the structure within the organization. The company has administrative expenses of THB 3.56
progresses in the areas of market supervision and development, such as quality enhancement of IPO issuers and listed companies, legal enforcement in various cases, and improved transparency and fairness in
Attn : The Directors and The MAI Manager Ref: Dimet AC 1802/001 February 13, 2018 Attention: The Directors and The MAI Manager The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject: Report on improved Q.2’s
margin of (11.49%). because the company has improved the structure within the organization The company has administrative expenses of THB 7.62 million, increase of THB 1.17 million or 18.03% compared to