is therefore proposing to amend the governing rules and regulations, as summarized below:(1) In addition to the existing requirements for reporting initial public offering (IPO) results (Form 81-1-IPO
. The current rules require both the issuers as well as all affiliates that engage in the main business of a group of companies to meet the qualifications and disclose information in the Filing Form
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Automatically generated PDF from existing images.
Automatically generated PDF from existing images.
SEC is proposing to codify and revise notifications prescribing rules on the operating systems and service provision of securities companies and derivatives business operators to be more appropriate and flexible but will mostly be based on the same principle. The revision will cover various systems for example, operating systems relating to organizational structure and personnel readiness, customer service and information system, internal control system, and risk management system. In add...
The proposed amendments aim to improve the rules and guidelines for operating digital asset businesses to be more timely and appropriate in line with the industry developments and the current
regulatory framework that requires issuance and revision of necessary rules and regulations and promotion of effective enforcement in line with international standards and current situations. In this
in line with the current average period wherein an auditor is entrusted to be the engagement partner or the auditor affixing signature to express an opinion to financial statements on behalf of the