Microsoft Word - form246-2_24 Nov 2020_PP Ordinary Shares)_PP 1 Report of the Acquisition or Disposition of Securities (Form 246-2) 1. The business’ name: T.KRUNGTHAI INDUSTRIES PUBLIC CO.,LTD
important information and business secrets of the company without approval. He later resigned from the company. SEC has considered that Pusit failed to perform duties with loyalty* and therefore suspended
shares, and holders of ordinary shares. 25. Important warnings: State important warnings relating to investment in the structured notes offered for sale, for example: - The structured notes are low
this regards, the company will hold 62,500 ordinary shares of All S, or 6.25% of its registered capital, par value of 100 baht per share, total amount of 6,250,000 baht. The transaction size is
Report of Important Events of Mutual Funds and Property Investment Trusts and Infrastructure Investment Trusts
-Translation- No. ECF2 017/2562 29 March 2019 Subject: Notification of the resolutions of the Board of Directors’ Meeting approving the postponement of an investment in ordinary shares of S-TREK
-Translation- No. ECF2 017/2562 29 March 2019 Subject: Notification of the resolutions of the Board of Directors’ Meeting approving the postponement of an investment in ordinary shares of S-TREK
: Annual Registration Statements (form 56-1) and Annual report (form 56-2) Important information that must be disclose are, such as, Risk factors Type of operation Capital structure Management structure
the purchase of ordinary shares of WICE Logistics (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Or "WICE SG" (formerly Sun Express Logistics Pte. Ltd. or "SEL") in the amount of 30 percent of the total shares (Portion 2) In
Development Co., Ltd. (“NRED”) by disposal of 26,460,000 ordinary shares, with the par value of THB 10 per share, ), comprised of 49,000 ordinary shares with paid up capital of Baht 10 per each share and