firms Unlike the other Greeks, implied volatility was unknown. 6 t Implied volatility Realized volatility t + 1 • It was calculated by reverse engineer process from the option price at time t. • Implied
]St0 HC = Ct1−[Delta]St1 DeltaBS = f ( St0, K, T, r, σ ) Historical statistic : Standard deviation Implied statistic : Min ∑ (Cmarket – C theoretical) 2 DeltaWM = f ( St0, K, T, r, μ, σ* ) σ* = f (r, μ
regulatory and supervisory framework of the Thai capital market are enhanced to be among those of the leading countries. Under the PFMI assessment, the SEC has received fully observed in all supervisory areas
should be around 230 ? 270 million baht and recommended SUPER shareholders not to approve the acquisition. Furthermore, IFA observed that payment condition for acquisition of ProOne shares was not fair
while results of upcoming 900&1800MHz auctions remain to be closely observed. AIS will continue to focus on providing quality 4G network as well as building up brand awareness. Migration from prepaid to
(implied by a declining emissions performance trajectory), fixed targets are established at the midpoint of the bond’s term along the trajectory (see Box 3 for example using Sydney offices). Adopting this
ไดรบัอนุญาต ตองจัดใหมีการเปดเผยขอมูลเพื่อเปรียบเทียบคาความผันผวนแฝง (implied volatility) กับคาความผันผวนในอดีต (historical volatility) บน website ของผูออก DW โดยเปนการเปดเผย อยางตอเนื่อง
prospectus; - continuing disclosure of the implied volatility in comparison to the historical volatility on the website of the DW issuer; - disclosure of a warning statement regarding the gearing ratio, a
provision.To improve the service provision standards, the Association of Securities Companies has drawn up the draft operating guidelines to be observed by its members. Upon the approval of SEC, securities
sector from the economic downturn observed. In addition private consumption is in a declining trend due to freeze in business activities and social distancing. For the first quarter of 2020, the net profit