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The ACMF convened its 39th ACMF Chairs’ Meeting today hosted by the Indonesia Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan / OJK). The meeting is in a hybrid format with the in-person meeting being held in Bali, Indonesia.The Meeting endorsed the ASEAN Transition Finance Guidance (Guidance] which serves as a common standard guidance for what constitutes a credible, transparent, and inclusive transition with a focus on aligned and aligning transition finance opportunities. The Guidance co...
Bangkok, 24 November 2017 ? The SEC urges investors to read important information on the prospective listed companies to examine duty performance of company directors and executives before making
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สำนักงานคณะกรรมการกำกับหลักทรัพย์และตลาดหลักทรัพย์ (ก.ล.ต.) ร่วมกับองค์การสหประชาชาติ (United Nations: UN) และกองทุนบำเหน็จบำนาญข้าราชการ (กบข.) จัดงาน Sustainable Thailand 2022: Moving from Ambition
The SEC has sought cooperation from all financial advisors (FA) to help raise up standards of IPO companies by focusing on good internal control system and credibility of financial statements
With a view to elevating corporate governance of listed companies, the SEC aims for all of them to comply with the 15 CG principles, place importance on roles and duties of directors including
Bangkok, January 12, 2015 ? The SEC supports asset management companies to raise their competitiveness with more distribution channels, new types of mutual funds and join business development in the
Bangkok, February 2, 2007 ? The SEC in cooperation with the Agriculture Futures Trading Commission (AFTC) and the Royal Thai Police on February 1, 2007 conducted raids on the following companies
The SEC approved guidelines for improving quality of financial statements of listed companies as follows: (1) Improving auditor?s report to be concise and comprehensive and at the same time to