hindrance. A public hearing on the proposed principles for the notification had been conducted during 21 September-21 October 2022. The SEC has taken into consideration the views and suggestions obtained
, ill-informed decisions with the expectation for high returns and even topped up benefits from signing up other persons into the network scheme. Investors are advised to avoid such investment scheme as
and undertaking of digital asset businesses without causing undue hindrance to stakeholders and those interested in providing digital asset-related services or compromising appropriate investor
who has relevant information and solid reasons to point that UBS or any persons had an ill intention to file the form or that the information in such form caused damages to any persons to come forward
for shareholders? meetings, (2) sue for damages from disclosure of falsified information, (3) claim to disgorge ill-gotten benefits obtained by company directors or management in bad faith and (4
demonstrating our cont inued commitment, the Company has agreed to a further 90-day lock-up of the units of JASIF, to assure investors that no additional supply of the Units w ill be released by the Company into
to pay the Company’s indebtedness and liabilities. The Company previously held 1,833,150,000 Units. Following the sale of the Units, the Company st ill holds a remaining 1,293,150,000 investment units
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ill re trie v e A A 0 5 – B o n d P ro file o n c e th e b o n d is issu e d 2 . P . 7 4 A d d e d b o x to in fo rm th a t re g istra r c a n a lso re je c t su b sc rip tio n in fo rm a tio n b y b u
Result as ended September 30, 2018 Financial Performance for the period ended September 30 , 2018 (Unit : M ill ion Baht) 2018 2017 Inc. / (Dec.) % Construction income 59.06 63.82 -4.76 -7.46 Service