investment based on their risk tolerance levels. The proposed measures include: 1. Arranging for an easy-to-understand risk ranking, from 1 to 8 in ascending order, to label each mutual fund; 2. Requiring
mutual understanding that the information is shared confidentially. The Principles are high-level objectives that CRAs, regulators, rated entities, obligors, underwriters, arrangers, and other market
by any issuer, or its agents, under the terms of a confidentiality agreement or otherwise under a mutual understanding that the information is shared confidentially. The Principles are high-level
repayment, refinancing, negotiating relief, or modifying debt restructuring agreements with financial institutions. The SEC requires that the bondholders’ representative analyzes the benefits and
draft guidelines of the Association that has been approved by SEC*. The guidelines contains details on :1) preparation of the service model responsible by a high-ranking executive officer; 2
date by additional three years. This would constitute a deferral of debt repayment, including postponing or modifying the debt payment schedule, and should not be considered an event of default under
: The SET shall comply with the regulatory objectives and the operating rules of securities exchange. In issuing, revising or modifying its rules and regulations, the SET must conduct a hearing session
are allowed to also inform the SEC of the names of foreign business operators instead of only the names of the foreign personnel as previously required; 2. Modifying the requirements for notifying the
at least on a quarterly basis;5. Modifying consideration procedures of underlying indices, management strategies, and disclosure requirements for inbound foreign ETFs to be in line with those
Market Organizations (FETCO), as well as high-ranking officials and executives from SECC, Cambodia Securities Exchange and private sector of Cambodia.Ms. Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol, SEC Secretary-General