mobile industry has remained competitive as low-priced unlimited prepaid plans continue to dilute ARPU. Overall, pricing environment in prepaid market segment remained challenging to improve ARPU as
อ้มูลภำยในของลูกคำ้ดว้ย 2) สำมำรถใช ้Robot ในกำรใหบ้ริกำรแนะน ำ / วำงแผน กำรลงทุนไดห้รือไม่ ถำ้ไดมี้กำรควบคุมอยำ่งไร สำมำรถใช ้Robot ในกำรใหบ้ริกำรแนะน ำได ้ ทั้งน้ี ตอ้งเป็นไปตำม หลกัเกณฑท่ี์เก่ียวขอ้ง
% YoY, and 12% QoQ resulted from a lower sale volume of high-priced devices. The profit margin from selling SIM and device stood around -4.2% in 3Q19, similar to previous quarter. Cost & Expense Cost of
% YoY, and 12% QoQ resulted from a lower sale volume of high-priced devices. The profit margin from selling SIM and device stood around -4.2% in 3Q19, similar to previous quarter. Cost & Expense Cost of
upgrade to increase sales area for high- margin products instead of store expansion The Company has successfully minor renovated 3 Index Living Mall stores to increase sales area for high-priced and high
maintenance (TAM) (from 30 April – 13 June 2018). However, average crude run for the year was in accordance with the target at 102.39 KBD (85% utilization rate), and achieved its all-time high monthly average
and constraints to clean growth • Pursuing opportunities for greater climate ambition For more information, visit Shaping High-Quality Environmental Disclosure
through the industrial market. This is in respect to the fairly high degree of competition in the industrial market, and the 4th quarter was a High Season for fuel consumption. As well as, late in the
entering high season in late of Q2/2020. Combined with this quarter being the first quarter to realize full performance of the Hydropower Plant project, “Nam San 3B” . As for the projects in Japan, they
sustained marketing campaigns to promote value set-menu offerings or accumulation of loyalty points to redeem special priced products, together wth advertising and PR campaigns in various media that included