I - Translation - Ref : LPH/SET 2020/004 February 25, 2020 Subject : Clarification on the Operating Results for Year 2019 period ended December 31, 2019 To : President The Stock Exchange of Thailand
I - Translation - Ref : LPH/SET 2019/012 November 13, 2019 Subject : Clarification on the Operating Results for the three-month period ended September 30, 2019 (Q3/2019) To : President The Stock
, OECD. REFORM PRIORITIES IN ASIA: TAKING CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TO A HIGHER LEVEL © OECD 2011 5 Table of Contents I. Corporate Governance In Asia: The State of Play at the Turn of the Decade ............. 7
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), led by Secretary-General Pornanong Budsaratragoon and executives, made a charitable donation of 600,000 Baht to support Friends in Need (of "PA
In the second phase of the “ESG Product Platform” development, the SEC has introduced further information and details on “sustainability-themed bonds”; e.g., the list of top 10 issuers, detailed
professionals, with the hope for the market force to play a significant role in driving forward the capital market instead of just exclusively depend on regulations.The seminar was graced with honorable
, proposing recommendations, and distributing a checklist, in order for listed companies to improve their information disclosure.For an informed investment decision, investors need to analyze MD&A in the Form
The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosure: Information Memorandum on Disposition of Assets of UAC Global Public Company Limited UAC Global Public Company Limited (UAC or the Company) would like to inform
Chairman and Executive Chairman of the Friends in Need (of “PA”) Volunteers Foundation, the Thai Red Cross Society, and foundation executives. On this occasion, the SEC made a charitable donation of 320,000
for SMEs and startups to the Thai capital market with technology utilization.” which emphasizes on the importance of SMEs to the Thai economic system and SEC’s role in “unlocking the three gateways