for promoting the development of financial innovation and regulations in our respective jurisdictions. We look forward to enhancing a close cooperation with the CSSF in the future.”Mr. Claude MARX
The SEC announces 5 major areas to develop the Thai capital market in the future : Develop debt instrument market to bridge the gap between money market and capital markets, Enhance market force to
-oriented support to the fund industry to promote long-term investment in mutual funds, aiming to foster financial well-being for youth education as well as post-retirement living. Additionally, a focus is
volatile during this quarter. However, Thailand’s financial stability was satisfactory due to a high current account surplus and rising demand for imported raw materials used in export-oriented manufacturing
Monitoring & Supervising Policy making CEO Compliance Role Ex te rn al Ro le Performance Role Past & Present Oriented Future Oriented In te rn al Ro le หน้าท่ีของคณะกรรมการ 7ทีม่า: ตลาดหลกัทรพัยแ์หง่ประเทศไทย
shareholders due to expand opportunity in the entry into cosmeceuticals and medical business which is consumers-oriented goodwil , increase Group of Companies’ future revenue growth and diverse business
’ future revenue growth and diverse business dependency risk on food and beverage industry to cosmeceuticals and medical business, which has positive expansion with consumers-oriented goodwill. (3) Increase
-oriented goodwill , increase Group of Companies’ future revenue growth and diverse business dependency , expand opportunity in other investments and lead to long-term business sustainability. 12. Opinion of
project called “Elevate Life’s Pleasure” to deliver Life’s Pleasure experience through various types of quality glassware in consumers’ everyday life. Ocean Glass Public Company Limited Page 2/ 6
Electronics PCL has the pleasure of submitting first quarter of 2018 operating results of the Company and its subsidiaries ("the Group") based on reviewed consolidated financial statements for the three-month