arising in tort, contract or otherwise, resulting from the use of, failure to implement or comply with or achieve the goals and intentions set out in and/or otherwise in connection with this Framework The
technology risk framework 1 สงิหาคม 2565 การอบรมการใชง้าน ระบบ ESUBMISSION 2©Copyright ระบบ ESUBMISSION : วตัถปุระสงค์ เป็นชอ่งทางอ านวยความสะดวกใหก้บัผูอ้อก หลกัทรัพย ์ตวักลาง และอืน่ๆ ในการจัดสง่
technology risk framework รวมคลปิบรรยาย ระบบ ESUBMISSION Phase 2 1 สงิหาคม 2565 2©Copyright ภาพรวมระบบ ESUBMISSION เน้ือหา 1. วตัถุประสงคข์องระบบ ESUBMISSION 2. การประยุกตใ์ช ้Digital ID ภาครฐั 3. ร
คู่มือหลักการกำกับดูแลกิจการที่ดี (Governance Framework) แนวทางธรรมาภิบาลของ ก.ล.ต. (Code of Governance) ส านักงานคณะกรรมการก ากับหลกัทรัพย์และตลาดหลกัทรัพย์ (ฉบบัปรับปรุง คร้ังท่ี 4 พ.ศ. 2562) 1 บทน
ASEAN CIS Framework will make a complete set of both the offering of ASEAN CIS to retail and non-retail investors, thereby opening the door for more business opportunities by the private sector and offer
ASEAN CIS Framework will make a complete set of both the offering of ASEAN CIS to retail and non-retail investors, thereby opening the door for more business opportunities by the private sector and offer
of Professionals undertaking the activity of investment advice from Home Jurisdiction to Host Jurisdiction within ASEAN region. A significant measure set out in this framework is providing “ACMF Pass
other signatory jurisdictions under a streamlined authorisation process. Fund managers using this framework will have to abide by a set of common standards (the “Standards of Qualifying CIS”) designed
The proposed amendments aim to streamline and simplify mutual fund disclosure which currently requires numerous details and, in some parts, repetitive information is disclosed in other documents that asset management companies are already required to prepare and disclose to the unitholders. In drafting the regulations, the SEC took into account the feedbacks received from the business operators during the public hearing on the proposed amendments to the regulations and the concerns raised by ass...
The proposed amendments aim to streamline and simplify mutual fund disclosure which currently requires numerous details and, in some parts, repetitive information is disclosed in other documents that asset management companies are already required to prepare and disclose to the unitholders. In drafting the regulations, the SEC took into account the feedbacks received from the business operators during the public hearing on the proposed amendments to the regulations and the concerns raised by ass...