Management Name : Miss PEN YODKLIANG | Type of securities : Common share | Methods of Acquisition / Disposition : Buy | Transaction Date : 14/05/2018
Management Name : Miss PEN YODKLIANG | Type of securities : Common share | Methods of Acquisition / Disposition : Buy | Transaction Date : 22/05/2018
50% of the earnings, making it the single larg- est segment, and provides IVL the ability to capture a larger portion of the value chain as well as re- liably meet customer needs across geographies
across all segments; Carbonated soft drinks (where lower availability of fountain due to lockdown & due to shortage of Aluminum cans has resulted PET as preferred packaging material for converters offset
Polyethylene Naphthalate (PEN) polyester high value-added films for the specialty, industrial, packaging, automotive, advanced magnetic media, photo systems, electrical and electronics markets and many more
เป็นผูผ้ลิต Biaxially-oriented Polyethylene Terephthalate (BOPET) และ Polyethylene Naphthalate (PEN) film ชั้นน าของโลก โดยรวมมีก าลงัการ ผลิตฟิลม์ทั้งหมด 180 กิโลตนัต่อปี การเขา้ซ้ือกิจการในคร้ังน้ีประ
Shares Offering) (1) Cleary define that the over-allotment portion must not exceed 15% of total offered shares while the stabilizing manager must be responsible for stabilizing share price of the whole
payment for the 1st portion of THB 39.86 million, equivalent to USD 1.17 on 4 January 2018 Please be informed accordingly. Yours sincerely, (Mrs. Araya Kongsoonthorn) Chief Executive Officer
limitation, the unit sale for capital increase, and the borrowing with limited purposes and portion. The SEC encourages the public and stakeholders to read the background documents and participate in the
pipe. Currently the Company holds portion of 25% of paid-up capital. After the waiving, the Company's portion of holding share will reduce from 25.00% to 15.15% of paid-up capital. This transaction is