the shareholders? extraordinary meeting to seek clarifications from the company management before making a prudent decision. The aforesaid transactions must be approved by at least three fourths of the
Exchange of Thailand. The papers pointed out the significance of making prudent study on information and fundamental analysis of securities prior to making investment decision in order to mitigate trading
process of preparing and updating private fund contracts is not prudent and concise, did not comply with the rules, conditions and procedures announced by the Capital Market Supervisory Board. SEC Act S
impact from fluctuation of exchange rate . 2. Sales cost to revenue ratio increased by 1.36% (from 96.22% to 93.58%). 3. Gain from foreign exchange increased by 64.87 million baht (from loss 26.43 million
to speculate on the exchange rate but continues its prudent policy in the full hedging on net position of each currency’s exposure to minimize potential impact from exchange rate fluctuation. Source
once again in 2019. However, the company has no policy to speculate on the exchange rate but continues its prudent policy in the full hedging on net position of each currency’s exposure to minimize
2017 and 34.7 to 36.2 in 2016. However, the company has no policy to speculate on the exchange rate but continues its prudent policy in the full hedging on net position of each currency’s exposure to
explanation from the company directors in order to make a prudent decision on their voting. The SEC requires that any material acquisition and disposal of assets subject to the shareholders? approval must have
support domestic industries. Including, the fluctuation of exchange rates affects to the sales value decreased also. Anywise, the company expanded a production line to meet the needs of customers resulted
, in consistence with the current market conditions. Moreover, as the SEC aims to enhance investors? knowledge and encourage them to make prudent investment decision based on proper information, the new