Company increase the provision for bad debt to prevent uncertainty of economic fluctuation in the future i.e. economic slowdown, natural disaster and etc. However, for the fourth quarter of 2016, the bad
, decreasing by Baht 14.98 million, mainly from unrealized loss from investment in listed securities due to the highly volatile market this quarter which resulted from the uncertainty of COVID-19 outbreak and
assets prices can cause uncertainty for users and recipients. While some digital asset business operators may offer to convert the digital assets into Thai Baht for the receiving merchant, price
2018 primarily due to the US-China trade war and global uncertainty contributed negative impact on export growth. The growth of credit card business in Thailand continue expansion due to overall economic
impact from fluctuation of exchange rate . 2. Sales cost to revenue ratio increased by 1.36% (from 96.22% to 93.58%). 3. Gain from foreign exchange increased by 64.87 million baht (from loss 26.43 million
nature of the mutual fund’s utilization of its assets may cause uncertainty to the amount of its earnings, a warning that unitholders’ benefits or returns may be significantly affected, etc.; (3) a warning
from 2.3% in the second quarter of 2019, mainly driven by expansion of private consumption, government spending and tourism sector. Meanwhile, exports sector continued to contract caused by uncertainty
private consumption and total investment were constantly expanding. However, Thai economy still faces external risk such as U.S. monetary and trade policy and global economic uncertainty. As of August 31
slowed down. In addition, Thai economy still faces external risk such as trade war between US and China and global economic uncertainty. As of August 31, 2019, the Company’s total cards reached 8.75
affect from a government adopting a more restrictive lockdown measures in dark-red zones and uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 situation that will hinge mainly on the rollout of vaccines in order to