? shares, construction contracts, machinery procurement and installation contracts, as well as misuse of NE and ESES whose controlling person was Bhusana as a channel for committing fraudulent acts in many
Recently, the SEC has been notified that some private sector entities have used the SEC’s response letters as references for other persons in various transactions, possibly providing information that differed from what was discussed with the SEC or existed during a different timeframe from the time when the SEC considered the matter. Such use is considered to be for wrong purposes. Therefore, the SEC urges the private sector to exercise caution and refrain from using response letters in such man...
passed a resolution approving the principles thereof. This proposal aims to ensure appropriate supervision of digital asset businesses, and prevention of misuse of digital assets as a tool to commit
exploitation the Thai Film “Som Pak Sien: E-san Love Story”. Cost of the Production and Service Cost of Production and Service of the Company and subsidiaries for the quarter ended September 30, 2017 comparing
inspection mechanism to ensure that they are properly set up, managed and monitored to prevent savings exploitation or misspending for purposes that have nothing to do with education. For these reasons
comparing with the quarter ended June 30, 2017 increased from THB 46.56 million to THB 82.00 million or increased THB 35.44 million or 76.12% because the Company got the revenue from the exploitation of
exploitation of such information to take advantage of the fund for the benefit of oneself or others. Presently, all companies have already made progress on this matter accordingly.Vasant Thienhom, SEC Deputy
was a securities purchase that took advantage of a material, non-public fact that influenced the securities price, which was deemed an exploitation of third parties and liable to the offences under
financial instruments and put in place effective regulations to ensure compliance, fairness, and prevent exploitation of stakeholders. As the market became more developed, new products were introduced and
headlined: “SEC files criminal complaints against 25 former IEC executives and associates for fraudulent acts and exploitation of the company’s interest” published on 31 October 2017: https://www.sec.or.th/EN