The SEC has implemented the initial intensive measures for securities public offering companies and listed companies that commission carbon footprint preparation reviewer in accordance with the Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. Sor Mor. 18/2564 Re: Measures on Fee Deduction for Filing the Registration Statement for Securities Offering and the Annual Registration Statement for Companies Disclosing Greenhouse Gas Emission Data, dated 10 March 2021. The fee de...
107 42% 132 97 36% Operating Cash Flow 240 249 258 (7)% 923 966 (4)% Net Operating Debt to Equity (times) 0.45 0.39 0.84 (46)% 0.45 0.84 (46)% 1Consolidated financials are based upon elimination of
2.03 27% Core EBITDA/t (US$/t)) 107 100 94 14% 97 86 13% Net Operating Debt to Equity 0.84 0.80 0.99 0.84 0.99 Note: (1) Consolidated financials are based upon elimination of intra-company (or intra
Operating Debt to Equity (times) 0.39 0.54 0.80 (51)% 0.39 0.80 (51)% 1Consolidated financials are based upon elimination of intra-company (or intra-business segment) transactions 2Total of each segment may
EBITDA/t (US$/t)) 122 107 91 34% 105 86 22% Net Operating Debt to Equity 0.57 0.84 0.91 (37)% 0.57 0.91 (37)% Note: (1) Consolidated financials are based upon elimination of intra-company (or intra
6661 Fax: +662 661 6664 1 2019 IVL Performance Summary IVL registered volume growth of 18% in 2019 driven mainly by inorganic expansion. Industry-wide spreads declined to historical lows in 2019, leading
LIMITED Disclosure Business News ( 3 record(s) found) Date Time Heading Link 22/11/2022 18:04 Notification for connected transactions for service contracts 30/11/2021 08:55 Investment in the expansion of
Huntsman assets. 1Consolidated financials are based upon elimination of intra-company or intra-business segment) transactions 2Total of each segment may not always tally with consolidated financials due to
188 61% 1,037 853 21% Net Operating Debt to Equity (times) 0.53 0.45 0.57 (7)% 0.53 0.57 (7)% 1Consolidated financials are based upon elimination of intra-company (or intra-business segment