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Automatically generated PDF from existing images.
Automatically generated PDF from existing images.
SEC is proposing to codify and revise notifications prescribing rules on the operating systems and service provision of securities companies and derivatives business operators to be more appropriate and flexible but will mostly be based on the same principle. The revision will cover various systems for example, operating systems relating to organizational structure and personnel readiness, customer service and information system, internal control system, and risk management system. In add...
Criteria for Offering for Sale of Newly Issued Securities with a Tender Offer for the Existing Securities of Listed Companies for Restructuring of Shareholding and Management
Service Fees 51,375,206 Baht 3.6 Rationale and necessity of the transaction This transaction is renewal of existing lease and services agreement for further 1 year and 7 months with rental and service fees
negotiation. Residential Property Development CPN recognized the potential of our mixed-use development of shopping mall complex projects. The company plans to utilize our existing vacant plots of land adjacent
month, totaling Baht 14,400 per month, is deemed to be justifiable in comparison with the market rate in adjacent areas, and remains at the same rate as that under the existing agreement (lease term from
approximately by 3.4% YoY. The resilient performance in 1H17 was due to the continuous growth of shopping mall business from new and renovated projects, and continual strong performance of existing projects such