to replace the less energy efficient ones in order to conserve energy, but this year the Retail Chain had delayed the investments. Profit for the period The Company's profit of the quarter was 3.3
number of LED lighting luminaires to an Australian Retail Chain to replace the less energy efficient ones in order to conserve energy, but this year the Retail Chain had delayed the investments. Profit for
-appropriate and nuanced in Asian context. • For high-level reference; not legal advice. 8 Shareholder climate resolutions • Non-exhaustive examples: • increased transparency and disclosure; • commitment to
Organization, recommends that the private sectors and various organizations allocate a budget for communities around the forest zones to conserve and care for the forests while preventing and alleviating
translate the guidance and prioritize actions for implementation, this checklist is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the formal “Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures” to
. protection seller CDS; Please note that this is a non-exhaustive list of restricted assets. Hong Kong Covered Management Companies are encouraged to consult the SFC if in doubt on any issues. (As of October
prospects have been prepared are correct or exhaustive or, in the case of the assumptions, fully stated in the presentation. We assume no obligations to update the forward-looking statements contained herein
set out below is not meant to be exhaustive and may be updated and revised from time to time. These FAQs are only for general reference and do not constitute legal advice. Compliance with all the
emphasize thorough, accurate and regular disclosures on risk, capital and liquidity management to the public. 3 Details of various risk management and other related information, in accordance with the Bank of
-0195000 a priority and through controlling expenses and other various actions the group has been able to conserve cash to ensure that the Group is in a solid position going forward. In addition to the risk