for promoting the development of financial innovation and regulations in our respective jurisdictions. We look forward to enhancing a close cooperation with the CSSF in the future.”Mr. Claude MARX
The SEC announces 5 major areas to develop the Thai capital market in the future : Develop debt instrument market to bridge the gap between money market and capital markets, Enhance market force to
-oriented support to the fund industry to promote long-term investment in mutual funds, aiming to foster financial well-being for youth education as well as post-retirement living. Additionally, a focus is
, decades. Investing in innovation and future production, developing talent and ensuring robust supply chains are among the many environmental, social and governance (ESG)- related management actions that
Finance Initiatives for Thailand (the Initiatives). This serves as a crucial starting point for further collaboration to advance the development and implementation of policies that will direct the future of
Monitoring & Supervising Policy making CEO Compliance Role Ex te rn al Ro le Performance Role Past & Present Oriented Future Oriented In te rn al Ro le หน้าท่ีของคณะกรรมการ 7ทีม่า: ตลาดหลกัทรพัยแ์หง่ประเทศไทย
shareholders due to expand opportunity in the entry into cosmeceuticals and medical business which is consumers-oriented goodwil , increase Group of Companies’ future revenue growth and diverse business
’ future revenue growth and diverse business dependency risk on food and beverage industry to cosmeceuticals and medical business, which has positive expansion with consumers-oriented goodwill. (3) Increase
-oriented goodwill , increase Group of Companies’ future revenue growth and diverse business dependency , expand opportunity in other investments and lead to long-term business sustainability. 12. Opinion of
implementing its recycling growth strategy. Fibers IVL has restructured this segment into three market oriented verticals; Mobility, Hygiene and Lifestyle. Each vertical has a dedicated management team which is