มลูกค้าเป้าหมายได้มากขึน้ ' ffiffi,f h" ffi# ,,H-i t*i cei *.e r,ts i q{, , & i# ? ' -r ri' .;7 11! r ffi. Sfr :ilYi rx '& & wi{n :*- !# t# w sr's* w P1: lii: "i..*Y 'i .ft, it.; ' ,'! ?.i r r- _*- jH r
methods, setting timeframe and communication frequencies) 3 Does the firm specify the types of significant information that require escalated control over communication within the firm? If so, please
nsolidated fi than the sec Thus, the pe ment during t e from the six formance in vious quarter dition to, the 7 and the pr econd quarte es to grow the he companie ment 017 Q2/20 71.6 1,990 81.9 240 74.2 133
collectively and appropriately with other investors and stakeholders in case the investee companies ignore or fail to solve problems even after the monitoring has been escalated to stress the level of concerns
/18 12 FEB 2018 Meanwhile, our Office Building and Other media segment revenue grew solidly, increasing by 47.3% to THB 81mn. Revenue growth in 3Q 2017/18 was mainly driven by Wi-fi project management
, increasing by 27.3% YoY to THB 338mn. Revenue growth in 2017/18 was mainly driven by the expansion of the office building media network as well as price increases, Wi-fi project management fee. During the past
selling price escalated in tandem with upward CPO price compared to prior year. In 2Q2020, the Company had total sales revenue of THB 3,931 million, rose by THB 641 million or 19% compared to 2Q2019, even
Yai, Chachoengsao, Rayong and Diana Hat Yai Branch. Industry Overview Thailand’s overall economy expanded at a slower pace than expected in 2Q19 due to external demand. The escalated trade tension
significantly escalated from 1Q2019 thanks to the Government’ s announcement of B10 biodiesel as the mandatory diesel in Thailand replacing B7 biodiesel from January 1, 2020 onwards and the increasing of the B10
รำยได้ที่ 81 ล้ำนบำท เพ่ิมขึน้ 47.3% จำกชว่งเดียวกนัของปีก่อน โดยมีสำเหตหุลกัมำจำกกำรรับรู้รำยได้คำ่ จดักำรโครงกำร Wi-fi บนสถำนีรถไฟฟำ้บีทีเอส กำรขยำยเครือข่ำยอำคำรส ำนกังำนและกำรขึน้รำคำสือ่โฆษณำ โดยใน