total revenue amount THB 75.7 MB, equivalent to 8.7% of total revenue and can be summarized as the following: The Company’s revenue from sales amounted to THB 760.2 MB and THB 841.1 MB in the year 2019
proactive teamwork to further advance joint initiatives in various areas such as promotion of listed companies’ adoption of Sustainable Development Goals. The meeting took place at the SEC Building on 5
partner or equivalent affiliated with the audit firm; 2. I or a person with equivalent authority in the audit firm, the audit firm, other partners or equivalent, other licensed CPAs, or assistant auditors
I, ........[FULL NAME]........, leader of……......[NAME OF AUDIT FIRM]…............ certify that: 1. …(FULL NAME OF APPLICANT) ....., CPA License No. .............., is a partner or equivalent
%) Revenue from sales and services The Company’s total revenue for 3rd Quarter 2019 increased by THB 0.48 million Baht or equivalent to 0.60% increase from the same period last year. The significant revenue
equivalent to 100 percent of paid-up capital of Glamford Investments sp. z o.o. (“Glamford”) from Vistra Shelf Companies Sp. z o.o. at a total purchase price of EUR 2,795.73 (or equivalent to Baht 102,938.78
equivalent to 100 percent of paid-up capital of Trebren Investments Sp.z.o.o. (“Trebren Investments”) from Vistra Shelf Companies Sp.z o.o. at a total purchase price of EUR 2,637.84 (or equivalent to Baht
decreased 84.62 million baht, or equivalent to 6.22% from the same period of previous year due to the economy that was slow down. Expenditure and government investment were insufficient for driven economy
million baht or equivalent to 6.97% compared to the same period last year due to the situation of Thai economy that was slowed down. Spending and government investment were slightly driven the economy
May 15,2018 Dear Director and The Manager of SET Re: Operating Performance’s Summary of Q1/2018 The Company has sales equivalent for the 1st quarter of last year amount to 326.04 million Baht. It has