meeting with AIMC: ?The SEC encourages the association to urge asset management companies in addition to the current AIMC guidelines, to also comply with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS
The Regulatory Guillotine* scheme is one of the key projects supporting the implementation of SEC Strategic Plan in the area of competitiveness enhancement and connectivity. The scheme enables a
enhancement for investment analysts and research, as well as securities professionals to build investor confidence and strengthen business competitiveness. The meeting also discussed certain business obstacles
in line with the current average period wherein an auditor is entrusted to be the engagement partner or the auditor affixing signature to express an opinion to financial statements on behalf of the
The proposed amendments aim to improve the rules and guidelines for operating digital asset businesses to be more timely and appropriate in line with the industry developments and the current
financial statements via the Electronic Information Transmission System of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) in August 2018. The misconduct of the four current and former executives and directors* is
Upon the review of the Securities and Exchange Act, SEC finds that certain provisions of the law do not support the issuance of debt securities under the current economic situations. For example, the
capital market, particularly regarding the development and regulation of digital assets. The two parties also shared views on the current landscape of digital asset operations, international investment
ThaiBMA executive team, on 3 November 2023 at the SEC Building. The meeting was convened with the primary objective of fostering collaboration in the development and enhancement of standards related to the
) completely and also certified the standard on Waste Process Enhancement Project for waste management operator in the gold medal level. For the real estate business, the Company was the sales amount from the