* and Form 56*. These rules have caused an unreasonable burden on these companies. SEC therefore plans to improve these rules to facilitate holding companies, which engage in various types of business
As part of continuing efforts to support market confidence and business integrity, the OECD has launched in Asia a new set of corporate governance principles that were endorsed at the G20 Finance Ministers meeting in September 2015. The G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance provide recommendations for national policymakers on key corporate governance issues, such as shareholder rights, executive remuneration, financial disclosure, the behaviour of institutional investors, boardroom practic...
includes inspection of audit firms’ quality control systems, which has been running since 2010. According to the Activities Report 2021, audit firms in the capital market have continued to improve their
The SEC Strategic Plan 2024–2026 prioritizes the strengthening of Thai capital market trust and highlighting the critical significance of investor confidence in cultivating a robust capital market that serves as a channel for fundraising of businesses and investment for investors. Ultimately, the goal is to achieve sustainable development, reduce inequalities. Recognizing the importance of complete, transparent, and timely IPO information for investors’ informed decision-making, the SEC aims to...
competitor and pricing and also the slowdown of the turnkey project’s customer. Besides, it was from the increased of some costs such as salary and employee benefit expenses in order to improve the quality of
of some costs such as salary and employee benefit expenses in order to improve the quality of services, repair and maintenance fee and other service fee, etc. However, for the six-month period, the
15, 2019, which stipulated that financial institutions can adopt technology or improve their systems or technology to accommodate their business models and in alignment with rapid technological change
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production line of flexible packaging and the machine setup process is not complete and new employee lack of expert skill and the use of raw material is inefficient, cause a high production cost. 3. Selling
of raw materials and packaging, which partly offset the increased of excise tax. Food business Food cost of sales was maintained due to improve efficiency in restaurant operation. Selling Expenses