collectively and concurrently and the consideration is divided into three areas, namely (1) acceptance of reports via electronic system instead of hardcopy submission, (2) discontinuation of reports to the
electronic gadgets etc. and to reach the customers more and easier, including organizing special events, seminar and tour. Therefore, the Company requires capital of approximately THB 120 million for achieving Translation the use of prepared electronic devices which such devices are connected to computer or electronic systems of the head office; “Office” means the Office
/datafile/FS/FS_PAGE_0446_E_2017-01-06_0589333489.pdf 21061047.pdf technology solutions for electronic devices 3. providing online advertising for products and services. The details of Services income and
content via telecommunication channels 2. Information technology solutions for electronic devices 3. Online advertising for products and services. The details of Services income and Cost of https
technology solutions for electronic devices 3. providing online advertising for products and services. The details of Services income and Cost of rendering of services are as follows: Unit: Baht 1Q2021 1Q2020
/news/201902/19013794.pdf 22091854.pdf grouped in 3 segments: 1. Digital content via telecommunication channels 2. Information technology solutions for electronic devices 3. Online advertising for
of services Services income can be grouped in 3 segments: 1. Digital content via telecommunication channels 2. Information technology solutions for electronic devices 3. Online advertising for products
segments: 1. Digital content via telecommunication channels 2. Information technology solutions for electronic devices 3. Online advertising for products and services. The details of Services income and Cost