CDP Capacity Building Workshop 0222 - GHG Emissions Accounting Capital Markets Workshop GHG Emissions and Financed Emissions 2 June 2022 Stephanie Zega South Pole 2 Introducing your workshop host
การกำหนดหลักเกณฑ์ให้ผู้ประกอบธุรกิจสินทรัพย์ดิจิทัลจัดส่งและเปิดเผยข้อมูลคุณภาพการให้บริการ และจัดส่งรายงานการใช้ความสามารถของระบบงาน (IT usage capacity)
/201911/19104563.pdf 18057832.pdf electrical generating capacity; 4.1.2 HHPC hydroelectric IPP plant located in Attapeu province, Laos PDR with 152 MW of electrical generating capacity; 4.1.3 GHECO-One
Hemaraj Chonburi Industrial Estate with 713 MW of electrical generating capacity; 4.1.2 HHPC hydroelectric IPP plant located in Attapeu province, Laos PDR with 152 MW of electrical generating capacity
electrical generating capacity; 4.1.2 HHPC hydroelectric IPP plant located in Attapeu province, Laos PDR with 152 MW of electrical generating capacity; 4.1.3 GHECO-One plant located in the Map Ta Phut
electrical generating capacity; 4.1.2 HHPC hydroelectric IPP plant located in Attapeu province, Laos PDR with 152 MW of electrical generating capacity; 4.1.3 GHECO-One plant located in the Map Ta Phut
the effective capacity for power generation in the power plants which have already commenced commercial operation, separated into electricity generation of approximately 1,530 MW, steam of approximately
:// ownership OR "electrical ownership" OR "electric ownership" OR "electric possession" OR "electronic ownership" OR "electronic possession"&wt=json&indent=true
/select?q=electronic possession OR "electronic possession" OR "electrical ownership" OR "electrical control" OR "digital ownership" OR "digital control"&wt=json&indent=true&facet=true&facet.field