representatives from the Stock Exchange of Thailand and other government and private agencies, was established to consider the relevant ecological system, in order to identify problems and difficulties and to
, ecological, social or cultural values which are considered outstandingly significant or critically important, at the national, regional or global level, as defined by the High Conservation Values (HCV
help expand the customer base and create ecological system. FSMART will have a complete database to contribute more valuable things in the future.
ignorance. Be-Wallet will penetrate the new market segment of the cashless market and use technology to facilitate spending and payment. This will help expand the customer base and create ecological system
. This will help expand the customer base and create ecological system. FSMART will have a complete database to contribute more valuable things in the future.
. This will help expand the customer base and create ecological system. FSMART will have a complete database to contribute more valuable things in the future.
the Covid-19 outbreaks. However, most of the drop was compensated by sales of Woody C+ Lock Lemon Flavoured, the new vitamin C drink launched in March 2020 under the Company’s production and the joint
tablet. And, in the second half of the year, the Company will continue to launch additional new products beyond its traditional products, i.e. Salty Lemon, a carbonated beverage product from LQSF in
268 million, an increase of 14% YoY. Selling expenses to sales increased to 22.2% from 15.7% in Q3/2017, mainly due to multiple new products launch, e.g. Carbonated Fizza Salty Lemon, HPP (High Pressure
บริษัทฯ ยังมแีผนการ ออกสนิคา้ใหม่ๆ นอกเหนือจากกลุ่มผลติภัณฑเ์ดมิของ บริษัทฯ เพิ่มเติมอย่างต่อเนื่อง เช่น Salty Lemon ผลติภัณฑใ์นกลุม่เครือ่งดืม่อัดลม (Carbonated) ซึง่เป็น สนิคา้จาก LQSF ประเทศเวยีดนาม รวมถ