development • László Máthé, Accreditation Program Manager and Lead Author, Accreditation Services International. • Luc Pelkmans, Project Manager Bioenergy & Biomass, VITO. • Molly Jahn, Professor, University of
: Water infrastructure that reflects the intentional use of ecological assets and/or ecosystem-based features, processes, and functions as an integral part of addressing water needs. Such infrastructure is
, RTRS, UTZ, Rainforest alliance, FSA, Ecocert, Fair trade, Organic and ecological textiles) Sustainable agriculture and forestry Sustainable Agriculture 3, 12, 15 Husbandry - Livestock compliant with
representatives from the Stock Exchange of Thailand and other government and private agencies, was established to consider the relevant ecological system, in order to identify problems and difficulties and to
Action Tracker Climate Change Performance Index Ecological Footprint Environmental Democracy Index Environmental Performance Index Energy Trilemma Index Resource Governance Index ND-GAIN data
species and breeds adapted to changes in CO2 and climate, e.g., temperature, water regimes, extreme events • Ecological buffering of climate impacts such as water or microclimate management, ecological
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