Principles on integrated business reporting 8 Part 2: Guidance on disclosure 11 2.1 Forward-looking 11 2.2 Material, relevant and timely 11 2.3 Long-term strategy 12 2.4 Integrated reporting 12 2.5 Key
: Commodities, Credit, Equity, FX and Multi-Assets, Best FX Bank for CCS, IRS, Forward & Options Hedging (Corporates, Fis & SMEs) and Best Corporate Treasury Sales and Structuring Team Two awards from The Asset
) • Financial sector & high risk non-financial sectors • Transition risks & physical risks (and opportunities) • Forward-looking information & scenario analysis • Short-term, medium-term & long-term • Qualitative
: Proactive: forward-thinking and acting in advance in anticipation of possible challenges while being a firm and fair regulator as well as a friendly and visionary partner to all sectors, and initiating
22.69 1.90 496.61 69.08 Current Liabilities 196.50 434.91 396.74 -38.17 -8.78 200.24 101.90 Long-term Liabilities 88.36 138.58 100.85 -37.73 -27.23 12.49 14.14 Retained Earnings 434.05 619.34 717.96 98.62
718.91 1,192.83 1,215.52 22.69 1.90 496.61 69.08 Current Liabilities 196.50 434.91 396.74 -38.17 -8.78 200.24 101.90 Long-term Liabilities 88.36 138.58 100.85 -37.73 -27.23 12.49 14.14 Retained Earnings
-term Liabilities 84.66 100.85 91.99 -8.86 -8.78 7.33 8.66 Retained Earnings 435.91 717.96 718.08 0.12 0.02 282.17 64.73 Total Liabilities and Retained Earnings 712.99 1,215.54 1,182.82 -32.72 -2.69
, however, not complied with the accounting standards stating that the revaluation surplus has to be transferred directly to retained earnings when the asset is retired. The SEC thus instructed ABC to rectify
directly to retained earnings when the asset is retired. The SEC thus instructed ABC to rectify such financial statements, and submit to the SEC and publicly disclose the reviewed financial statements by
concerning impact on shareholders including price dilution, earnings per share dilution, and control dilution if convertible rights are completely exercised.