; asset systems that could not segregate the customers' assets from Satang's without doubt. DAB Act S.31 Settlement Committee Meeting No. 12/2022 Settlement Committee Order No. 20/2022 Dated 07
of Zipmex’s customers that were deposited to earn returns in Thailand in a way that Zipmex, without doubt, could not segregate digital assets of the customers and may use such digital assets for any
public and private sectors. The presentation emphasized fostering collaboration to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, supporting sustainable growth in climate-friendly societies, and progressing towards net
Zipmex’s customers that were deposited to earn returns in Thailand in a way that Zipmex, without doubt, could not segregate digital assets of the customers and may use such digital assets for any other
, and take any actions with, their assets, securities trading accounts and banking accounts might lead to misconduct opportunities. Should investors have reasons to doubt the operation of any investor
revenue with the SEC, they did not raise any observation in documents supporting the said clarification despite various factors indicated doubt on document authenticity;3. For the filing, the financial
.pdf of doubt, the eligible fund types under paragraph 7(a) of this circular also include funds of (i) listed real estate investment trusts; (ii) listed property funds; (iii) listed infrastructure funds
of doubt, the eligible fund types under paragraph 7(a) of this circular also include funds of (i) listed real estate investment trusts; (ii) listed property funds; (iii) listed infrastructure funds, or
shares of the seller was a prerequisite before entering into the transaction. Therefore, there is doubt about whether NUSA has complied with the aforementioned prerequisite conditions. Additionally, what
strategy, especially in energy investments. The construction of our second Japan solar farm of 10.57MW in Japan is progressing well with confirmed expected commissioning in the 3rd Quarter of 2017. The PDI