MFC ASSET MANAGEMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED| | Offering Date : 21/04/2008 - 08/05/2008
LAND AND HOUSES FUND MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED| | Offering Date : 05/07/2012 - 13/07/2012
information about the issuer’s domicile and legal form, the legislation under which it operates, its country of incorporation, its incorporation date and the length of its life (unless its life span is
of its registered office (or principal place of business, if this is different from its registered office). 2. The registration statement shall also contain information about the issuer’s domicile and
office). 2. The registration statement shall also contain information about the issuer’s domicile and legal form, the legislation under which it operates, its country of 8 incorporation, its incorporation
person having no domicile in Thailand; (10) mutual funds; (11) provident funds; (12) private funds; (13) pension funds; (14) other juristic persons as notified by the Office. Clause 10. In order to prevent
companies; 12 (8) life insurance companies; 13 (9) foreign financial institution acting for its benefit or acting as representative of another person having no domicile in Thailand; 14 (10) mutual funds; 15
domicile in Thailand; 14(10) mutual funds; 15(11) provident funds; 16(12) private funds; 17(13) pension funds; 18(14) other juristic persons as notified by the Office. Clause 10. In order to prevent conflict
. The prospectus should also contain information about the issuer’s domicile and legal form, the legislation under which it operates, its country of incorporation, its incorporation date and the length of
any 2. The legal and commercial name of the issuer. 3. The date of incorporation and the length of life of the issuer, except where indefinite. 4. The domicile and legal form of the issuer, the